2020 BCM Photo Contest – Official Rules
No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. The contest is hosted by Brown Community Management, Inc. (herein after called “BCM”) and, following entry by email, will be held publicly on BCM’s Facebook page. The contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook. Entering the contest is considered a complete release of Facebook from any connection to this promotion. To enter, submit a photo to BCM by designated email address no later than 8AM MST on 08/18/20. Contest ends at 8AM MST on 09/03/20. Contest prizes include one (1) $100 Visa gift card, one (1) $50 Visa gift card, and one (1) $25 Visa gift card. By entering the contest, entrants agree that photos submitted can be used indefinitely by BCM for marketing purposes. BCM reserves the right to disqualify any entry that is deemed inappropriate or does not conform to stated contest rules. Any entrant found to have earned votes unfairly, such as through purchase of votes and/or promotion by a third-party service, will be disqualified from this contest and banned from participating in future promotions. Additional contest terms and eligibility requirements apply:
- The entrant must be a current association member of a community managed by BCM.
- The photo submitted must represent the BCM community of which the entrant is a member. Encouraged photo subjects are association amenities, common areas, or events. Photos of individual homes may not be accepted; however, photos of multiple homes, such those grouped on a street or cul-de-sac, may be considered, especially if the association maintains the front yards.
- One photo entry is allowed per entrant, per BCM community. Entrants that are current association members of multiple BCM communities may submit one photo entry per association in which they are a member; however, entrants are not eligible to win multiple prizes.
- The photo submitted must be original work that has been taken by the entrant. The entrant may apply a standard image filter or manually perform color correction on the photo prior to its submittal; however, no other image alterations are permitted.
- High-resolution photos in JPEG format are preferred. A maximum 2048px height or width photo dimension is also requested; images that exceed this dimension will be automatically resized by Facebook during the upload process, which may cause the image quality of your photo entry to be diminished.
- Entries will be submitted by email with subject line 2020 BCM Photo Contest to facebook@brownmanagement.com by 8AM MST on 08/18/20:
- Submissions must also include the entrant’s first and last name, the name of the association where the entrant is a member and the photo has been taken, and the entrant’s property address in that community. After BCM has used this information to verify membership in the BCM association, only an entrant’s first name, last initial, and name of community will be associated with the photo submitted; the entrant’s last name and property address will not be shared at any time.
- For best image quality, photos should be sent as email attachment as opposed to being embedded in the body of an email.
- Submissions will not be accepted once the entry deadline has passed.
- On 08/19/20, BCM will simultaneously upload accepted photo entries to a Facebook album titled 2020 BCM Photo Contest, at which time public voting will commence:
- Any Facebook reaction (Like, Love, Care, Haha, Wow, Sad, or Angry) given to an original 2020 BCM Photo Contest album photo equals one vote for that photo.
- Each photo will have a caption that includes “Photo by [first name and last initial]”, the name of the BCM community where the photo was taken, and limited contest details.
- A person may share an original 2020 BCM Photo Contest album photo to their personal timeline on Facebook; however, it is recommended that a person also directs their peers to react to the original 2020 BCM Photo Contest album photo in order for the reactions to be counted as votes.
- Voting ends at 8AM MST on 09/03/20:
- No reactions will be counted as votes after the voting deadline has passed.
- Three entrants with photos that have received the top three highest number of votes will be identified as winners of the contest.
- First prize for the highest number of votes is one (1) $100 Visa gift card, second prize for the second highest number of votes is one (1) $50 Visa gift card, and third prize for the third highest number of votes is one (1) $25 Visa gift card. Prizes are non-transferable and are not redeemable for cash or other prizes.
- If an entrant that is an association member of multiple BCM communities has more than one photo in the top three after voting has concluded, only their photo with the highest number of votes will remain in the top three and be awarded a prize.
- Each winner will be notified by 09/04/20 at the email address used to submit contest entry. Winners will also be announced on Facebook, but only by first name, last initial, and name of community.